Sunday, November 22, 2015

I am a blogger!

I graduated from college in 1983, with a degree in Speech Pathology.  There were no computers, Pinterest, Facebook or teacher pay teacher stores to help new therapists.  If you worked in a school you were on your own with limited resources. As a result most of us were forced to learn how to create our own materials. I have a basement full of ideas, games, toys and activities that I have modified to meet the needs of my students over the years.  I am constantly amazed at how technology has made doing my job easier.  If you want to do a fun Christmas activity there are ideas all over the web.  Even if you are the only therapist in your school district another therapist is just a click away. It has made connecting and sharing so easy to do.  I have made materials my entire career and love doing it.  I hope to be able to use this blog to share my ideas and materials with other therapists.  I hope that you will find useful ideas as you read this blog. As I end this, I can now add blogger to the list of things I do. I am a blogger!


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